catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Sep 30 2002
03:23 pm

“Beer is proof that God exists, and that He wants us to be happy.”

-Ben Franklin


Oct 07 2002
10:38 am

I am not currently living in sin so I cannot responde to Dan’s question, but I think Jesus drinks wine.


Oct 07 2002
12:01 pm

Sugar also gives me that rush, but not to the extent that cocaine does. I do loves my cocaine.

I think we can safely say that cocaine has been used to the glory of God, no?

But back to beer… Is anyone else excited about new Sam Adams Light? It’s a rich, flavorful alternative to mass produced American beers and stale imports. Sam Adams Light…Taste The Revolution!


Oct 07 2002
04:21 pm

I was going to forgive you for the cocaine endorsement. But after that last comment, I’m certain you’re going to hell.


Oct 07 2002
04:27 pm

Just wanted to add that condemning people to hell is not a habit of mine (for those who don’t know me) and that I’m just playing along in a mockery of moralism (for those who might get the wrong idea about this web site and the people therein)….and that I believe light beers are a foothold for the Devil.


Oct 07 2002
08:12 pm

How much did Jason get paid for that endorsement?


Oct 08 2002
04:59 am

Not a thing, Dan. Not a thing.

It’s just that I’ve finally realized that not all beers are created equal. Take Samuel Adams, the most celebrated beer in America today. Each beer style is individually hand-crafted. Brewed with only the finest selections of ingredients. It’s what’s inside that makes Samuel Adams and Sam Adams Light distinct. Sure, Sam Adams’ awards and accolades may be legendary. But what matters most is taste. Your taste.


Oct 08 2002
05:07 am

Seriously, Grant? You don’t think cocaine has been used to the glory of God? I do. (Not use cocaine. I think that it has been used to the glory of God. Just to clear things up.) I’m not parodying moralism or commercialism or whatever it was I was parodying before. I really think that the nature of God’s grace is as such.


Oct 26 2002
04:13 am

Jason, do you mean medicinally back in Frued’s day, or are you thinking that there is something joyful or good about cocaine use today? I confess I haven’t thought much about it, but my understanding was always that it was highly addictive, seems to lead to broken families, broken relationships, financial insolvency, crime, and death. What am I missing here?

(Or perhaps there is a subtle parody of the earnestness of people who miss the subtle parody of the parodic element within the subject that is being parodying (which may be, in this case, the parody itself).

But i don’t think so.


Nov 29 2002
04:12 pm

i’m too young to drink beer, so i wouldn’t know. but last i heard, Jesus makes everything better.


Feb 14 2003
01:46 pm

i wanna be a senior member