Laughter?the kind that bubbles out, never the mean, teasing kind
Nintendo GameCube with enough comfy chairs nearby for all of us to
watch or play
Crayons, markers, paint, and a cupboard full of different kinds of papers
The tram-bam-bam-bampoline and our own amazing bodies
The cat, the hamster, and the fish?not all at the same time, though
Oatmeal, dry or cooked, with spoons, scoops, pouring cups, food coloring…
The steam-cleaner for the carpet
Stories?about when the kids were born, about ladybugs or
pirates, about the latest episode of Pokemon?from books or TV or
our memory or our imagination?read, told, viewed, written, drawn,
e-mailed, play-acted, video-gamed?stories and more stories.
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