Vol 7, Num 14 :: 2008.07.11 — 2008.07.25
Editor’s Note: This resource list appears along with many other justice-related essays, photographs, lists and more in Do Justice: A Social Justice Road Map.
Click on the following links to view recommended books in each area:
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Taking Discipleship Seriously: A Radical, Biblical Approach
by Tom Sine (Judson Press)
A brief and easy to read Biblical study which invites us to dream
God’s dreams, to envision God’s hopes for His earth, and what
it may be to follow Jesus more faithfully. Very helpful.
Living Justice: Revolutionary Compassion in a Broken World
by Jon Middendorf and Jamie Gates(Barefoot)
One of the most basic and brief introductions to social justice from
a solidly evangelical perspective. We note this not only because it
is readable and brief, but because it is very inspiring, compelling readers
to deeper thinking and serious involvement.
Covenant to Keep: Meditations on the Biblical Theme of Justice
by James Skillen (Center for Public Justice)
A powerful set of Biblical meditations, exploring various ways in
which God’s covenant with the creation unfolds guided by principle of
justice. There are scattered throughout helpful testimonials and case
studies of ordinary folks who work for justice, but this is mostly a fabulous
introduction to thinking Biblically about public justice. Excellent.
The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian Worldview
by Brian J. Walsh and Richard Middleton (IVP)
A broad, sweeping study of the rise of dualism and the subsequent
secularization of Western culture. Still the most important book written
about worldviews, how they work, and the important ways in which economic
growth, scientism, and injustice were embedded in the structures of contemporary
modern culture. A plea for the development of the Christian mind, in
community, in service. Very, very important.
Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire
by Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat (IVP)
A provocative and feisty case study of how a profound, postmodern
and culturally subversive reading of a New Testament book could equip us to
engage the culture more faithfully, and resist the idols of progress, technology,
militarism and environmental violence. Extraordinary; be prepared
to think, and live in new ways…
Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution
of Hope
by Brian McLaren (Nelson)
What are the most urgent matters in our world, and what might Jesus
think of them? How does the framing story of Western culture (and the
subsequent mis-readings of Jesus’ work) shape our approach to these
key contemporary issues? Fascinating and hopeful.
American Cultural Baggage: How to Recognize and Deal With It
by Stan Nussbaum (Orbis)
This is a fun book, clear and practical; it unpacks common assumptions
within the Western worldview, (including those found in common sayings and
proverbs) and how they might be offensive in other countries. Very useful.
The Kings Go Marching in: Isaiah and the New Jerusalem
by Richard Mouw (Eerdmans)
One of the best brief Bible studies on a wholistic view of Christian
cultural engagement, based on the teaching that this Earth will someday be
restored into God’s new creation. Mouw is careful about unhelpful
speculation, but draws wise implications from the Bible’s call to multi-cultural
reconciliation and political justice. Highly recommended.
Evangelicals in the Public Square: Four Formative Voices on
Political Thought and Action
by J. Budziszewski (Baker Publishing Group)
This splendid overview offers four schools of thought and distinctive
ways in which evangelicals have been involved with social renewal and public
reformation. Included are advocates of each view, summarizing the approach
of Carl Henry, Francis Schaeffer, Abraham Kuyper, and John Howard Yoder. Very,
very helpful for anyone committed to social action.
The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s
by Scott Bessenecker (IVP)
Inspiring stories of younger Christians working in the developing
world, serving the poor, making a difference.
Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting
by Gary Haugen (IVP)
This books has catapulted a new generation into global concerns,
using sexual trafficking and child slavery as one window into public justice,
international issues and Christian vision to make a difference.
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
by Ronald J. Sider (Nelson)
Perhaps the most important book in our lifetime about Christians
and social concerns, a classic that is still as urgent today in it’s
expanded, updated edition, than it was when it first came out. By most
accounts, one of the best introductions to both the Biblical narrative about
social justice as well as an excellent primer to global concerns. A
Justice, Mercy and Humility: Integral Mission and the Poor
edited by Tim Chester (Authentic)
With contributions from Rene Padilla, Elaine Storkey, and Tom Sine,
among others, this collection of case studies wonderfully opens our eyes to
various continents, God’s work in unique settings, and the ways social
location and political context shapes the doing of wholistic ministry. An
excellent reminder to hold together proclamation and demonstration, in community,
creating practices of mission for and with the oppressed.
What Can One Person Do? Faith to Heal a Broken World
by Sabina Alkire and Edmund Newell (Church Publishing)
The Anglican communion and the U.S. Episcopal Church has invited
their local congregations to educate and act for the promotion of the United
Nations Millennial Development goals and this is a handbook on helping that
happen. Very practical, guiding readers towards new learnings, actions,
and options for involvement.
The Biblical Jubilee and the Struggle for Life
by Ross Kinsler and Gloria Kinsler (Orbis)
These two authors are renowned educators around social justice issues
and here offer powerful Biblical interpretation and spiritual vision for social
transformation. Nearly a manifesto, this is a challenging guide to living
out the Biblical vision of jubilee justice in personal, church, community,
and global settings.
Walking With the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational
by Bryant L. Myers (Orbis)
Considered by many to be a masterpiece of integrated, Christian thinking,
this challenges us to follow Christ in ways that are faithful, relevant, compassionate
and effective. A must-read.
Attacking Poverty in the Developing World: Christian Practitioners
and Academics in Collaboration
edited by Judith Dean, Julie Schaffner and Stephen L.S. Smith (Authentic)
This recent book offers case studies from all over the world, bringing
together collegiates, professors, activists and ordinary folk to design programs,
policies and plans to work on development goals. Very thoughtful stuff,
making a unique contribution.
God of the Empty-Handed: Poverty, Power and the Kingdom of God
by Jayakumar Christian (World Vision)
This is a marvelous study of how various assumptions (about poverty,
for instance) shape different responses, from liberation theology to evangelical
commitments to simple living, to renewed studies of political empowerment. Excellent
Biblical study, theological reflection and social analysis.
Inheriting the Earth: Poor Communities and Environmental Renewal
edited by Don Brandt (World Vision)
This collection of essays shows the inter-relationship of various
environmentally sound practices, case studies of sustainability, and ways
that anti-poverty and ecological work are complimentary. A remarkable
feature of this anthology is that the writers are all involved in small-scale,
organic programs and speak in detail about their projects.
Hope in Troubled Times: A New Vision for Confronting Global
by Bob Goudzewaard, Mark Vander Vennen, and David Van Heemst (Baker)
One of the most thoughtful and insightful books about the deep ways
in which global issues are inter-related and how alternative visions—-to
counter idolatrous ideologies—-are needed to move towards alternative policies
and practices. A book which will reward careful readers with Biblical
wisdom and renewed hope. Very, very important.
Globalization and the Good
edited by Peter Heslam (Eerdmans)
This collection offers a wide range of perspectives from a variety
of scholars, activists, politicians, and Christian businesspersons. Compiled
with the cooperation of London’s Institute of Contemporary Christianity
and their “Capitalism Project.” A very good introduction
to the various issues, concerns and perspectives.
Just Trading: On the Ethics and Economics of International Trade
by Daniel Finn (Abingdon)
Perhaps a bit dated, this is still one of the most foundational studies,
sponsored by The Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy on
a faith-based perspective on the recent debate about trade agreements.
Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless
World of Global Trade
by Rachel Louise Snyder (Norton)
From a clever and insightful writer comes a story tracing pants—from
Bono and his wife, Ali, to fashion designers, to cotton growers, garment workers,
all over the world. This details remarkably complicated trade laws,
tariffs, customs and obstacles seen in the global economy. Fascinating.
Shaking the Gates of Hell: Faith-led Resistance to Corporate
by Sharon Delgado (Fortress)
This recent study is an exceptionally passionate call to resist injustice
and push back against oppression. Some might wish for a more balanced
survey, but this activist makes no apologies for her radical critique…
Artisans and Cooperatives: Developing Alternative Trade for
the Global Economy
edited by Kimberly Grimes and B. Lynne Milgram (University of Arizona
Case studies of local economies, “under the radar” trade relationships
and new visions of the multi-faceted issues surrounding artisan production. Very
thoughtful and very important.
Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives
by Anthony Giddens (Routledge)
We note this as it is brief and exceptionally thoughtful, by a world-class
thinker. The arguments here are more than economic and seek to show
how increasing choice, change, tele-communications and growing interdependence
directly affects our everyday lives. Very eloquent and penetrating.
Globalization: The Human Consequences
by Zygmunt Bauman (Columbia University Press)
Again, an extraordinary and thoughtful study of the breakdown of
boundaries, recent technological developments and the new pace and mobility
of hyper-modern life. An important European voice.
Globalization At What Price? Economic Change and Daily
by Pamela K. Brubaker (Pilgrim Press)
This newly expanded edition offers passionate explanation about how
church folk might respond to the sufferings of the poor and the dislocations
caused by social injustice. One reviewer said that this is a much-needed
primer for the overeducated and underinformed.”
Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice: Navigating the Path
to Peace
by Daniel G. Groody (Orbis)
Fresh, demanding and hope-filled, this study of Catholic social teaching
in the global economy is the sort of vibrant book that Walter Brueggemann
says it “takes your breath away.”
Unspeakable: Facing Up To the Challenge of Evil in an Age of
Genocide and Terror
by Os Guinness (HarperOne)
Although not precisely about globalization, this deep and thoughtful
study of the nature of evil, global injustice, genocide and such is must reading
for anyone who dares to be responsible in a world such as ours. Very,
very important.
Grace at the Table: Ending Hunger in God’s World
by David Beckmann and Arthur Simon (IVP)
These authors are the current director and the esteemed founder of
the political advocacy group for Christian citizens called Bread for the World. This
may be the best primer on world hunger and the scandal of poverty in print. Basic
but informed, thoughtful without being ideological, rooted in deep faith and
realistic politics. Excellent.
Less Than Two Dollars a Day: A Christian View of World Poverty
and the Free Market
by Kent A. Van Till (Eerdmans)
Although not an introductory book, this is a very helpful study of
how Christian tradition demands that we work for an economy that yields basic
sustenance for all as a human right. Has been called both very readable
and a tour de force. Good news for the poor, indeed.
The Moral Measure of the Economy
by Chuck Collins and Mary Wright (Orbis)
A new book which captures much of the sentiment of a growing movement
for economic justice based on deep principle of faith. Highly readable,
this passionate call to re-think the moral health of any economic system draws
largely on Catholic social teaching. Sojourners editor and
author Jim Wallis has called it “a must-read.”
Jubilee Manifesto: a Framework, Agenda and Strategy for Christian
Social Reform
edited by Michael Schluter and John Ashcroft (IVP/Jubilee Centre)
This collection of British social critics offers profound analyses and
serious proposals for high level change. Connects theological reflection,
the socio-politics of Scripture and contemporary social analysis. Very
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