catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Society & Institutions


Stories, art, traditions, transitions, family, friends, enemies -- many things in our lives provoke strong feelings, for better or worse.  What’s good and what’s complicated about being creatures who experience emotions?


‘Tis the season to consider how our celebrations reflect our deepest values...or not.  As we head into the holiday season, contributors share their stories about how they celebrate various occasions, from the big ones like Thanksgiving and Christmas, to the smaller ones, like International Talk Like a Pirate Day. 

Just Say No

The things we decline might indeed be illegal or bad for our health, as the War on Drugs has attempted to teach every child in the U.S.  But sometimes, we need to say “no” to good things -- for the sake of health, for the sake of simplicity, for the necessity of making a choice.  On learning to say no, and letting our minds wander a while down roads not taken.

Sacred Space, Safe Space

Throughout history, human cultures have delineated sacred space in a variety of ways, from architecture to artifacts to rituals.  And yet, sacred spaces haven’t always been safe spaces—sometimes they’re marked by who feels excluded, marginalized or frightened.  What’s the relationship between a sense of the holy and a sense of hospitality, both within and outside of the institutional Church?


The ways we get around both shape and tell the story of our culture.  Think of Detroit’s development as a city for cars, or the presence (or absence) of accessible features in our buildings.  What kind of wheels do you use and how do they tell your story, and the story of the place where you live?


In some areas of our lives, we are the ones calling the shots, while in others, there’s an authority outside ourselves that requires our obedience.  How do we know when to obey authority and when to subvert it?  How do lofty goals such as justice and faithfulness related to our passionate feelings in the moment?

Let's Get Together 11

Celebrating eleven years of publishing catapult magazine with our annual issue on the gift of community.

Raising Money

Many good ideas are free, but others cost something to get going—a building, a speaker’s fee, a packet of seeds, a campaign ad, a staff salary—and there are a plethora of models out there for how to gather resources.  What can fundraising look like at its best (and also, perhaps, its worst)?


Bullying in schools is a hot topic these days, and justifiably so, but the realities of social hierarchy don’t end with high school graduation. What does it look like to stand with those who are socially, politically and economically marginalized at any age? What is the role of power and privilege in doing the right thing, from pre-school into adulthood?

Call That Profit

Terms like “investment” and “profit” conjure notions of coins or bills or figures preceded by dollar signs, and yet humans cannot live on hard cash alone. The Mad Farmer (a.k.a. Wendell Berry) writes, “Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold. Call that profit. Prophesy such returns.” What are the benefits of the non-monetary ways we share profits, raise capital and make exchange for goods and services?