Vol 8, Num 8 ::
2009.04.10 —
Conversation: “(Un)Common Grace”
by The *cino Community
Welcome to the “(Un)Common Grace” conversation. Respond to this issue using the comments feature below. Or if you have a longer response to the current issue that you’d like to submit for consideration as an article, please feel free to send it my way by the Tuesday after the issue is published.
-k. vg-r
- Would you say you believe in common grace-that is, that God can work and be revealed through anyone, not just believers? Where do you see God showing up in surprising places?
- When have you had a powerful experience of grace that helped you understand it as more than just a theological concept?
- If you were to characterize grace as a person, what would that person be like? Are there any other metaphors or images for grace that come to your mind?
your comments