catapult magazine

catapult magazine
Things I Keep

vol. 7, num. 7 :: 2008.04.04 — 2008.04.18

Move after move, we pack them into boxes and then unpack them into places they’ll stay until the next time we uproot for a new place.  What are some of the stories behind the sentimental objects that follow us from house to house, state to state, country to country?



Kept objects

A series of very short essays on meaningful things people have seen fit to keep around.


The company we keep

Moving from anti-matter schizophrenia to an appropriate delight in things.


Extra copies

On the complexities of giving out favorite books.

A chisel to remember him by

A simple tool can tell a book’s worth of memories.

Letters from the saints

A confession about a collection and reflection on its purpose.

Defective connections

Everyday things can surround us with the stories of our lives.

The old dishrag

On the rag that does the dirty work as a reminder of God’s love.

The velveteen bear

A childhood gift becomes a constant companion.

We owe how much?

Deep remembering may or may not depend on the things we actually keep.


No rest, no peace in The Wire

On the broader implications of the upside down world in David Simon’s Baltimore.

Grant’s recommendations 4.4.08

A 1968 film about an English boarding school rebel may send you looking for African folk music.


In case you missed it the first time

Treasure in the trash

Agn's Varda's amazing film, The Gleaners and I, explores the subjectivity of value and beauty as she captures images of the forgotten, the hidden, and the abandoned.

Kitchen scraps and theology

How to worship God through composting.

The clarity of a dumpster

Could filling a roll-off be considered a spiritual discipline?

Weaving the web

Finding the eyes to see

Aiden Enns articulates his struggles with the “culture industry” in 21st century society.


Snapshots of my Redneck Brother

BK Loren writes about claiming relatives we hardly resemble anymore.


Japanese Packaging Design #3: Gifted With Beauty

An exploration of the intricate art of packaging in Japan.




We are what we keep

What is the difference between keeping and possessing?

daily asterisk

Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.

Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home

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