catapult magazine

catapult magazine
The Real World

vol. 2, num. 12 :: 2003.06.06 — 2003.06.19

How do we balance our expectations with what is or what is meant to be?



Sin, suffering and Generation X

A new ministry seeks to meet the needs of Generation X by celebrating what we can never fully understand.


Confronting brokenness

A moment of public sorrow illuminates the difficulty of doing God's will in a fallen world.


The hard parts

On the suffering that penetrates even the colorfully-decorated walls of a kindergarten classroom.

The old college try

Graduating from college and entering "the real world" can shake up an individual's lifestyle and values. Here's some balanced advice on surviving and thriving in transition.

Models of idealism

Many Christians are setting examples for those of us would-be visionaries. They work quietly and locally or they work publicly and on a grand scale. Read about a few of those people admired by *cino board members.

Liberty or national interests?

The annual report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom exposes inconsistencies in U.S. foreign human rights policy.

Engaging culture in the land where God has placed us

What can we learn from Old and New Testament figures about actively engaging culture?


Christians on the cutting edge

Steve Stockman?s Walk On explores the faith journey of U2.



daily asterisk

Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.

Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home

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