The 24th Annual Organic Agriculture conference in Ontario addresses a range of food issues.
A personal history told from the field, table, freezer, mouth and memory.
Experiencing other cultures can offer a window into what may be lacking in our own.
An introduction to the content of this unique issue, with links and information for participating in Practicing Resurrection 2006.
On a food journey and the resources that served as maps along the way.
A motley gathering of autumn vegetables decks the halls with delectable values.
A living history experience lends a new perspective on food.
Exploring the troubling origins of our identities as creatures who are what we eat.
On the beauty of choosing the "by hand" way, while honoring the divine purposes of all human activity.
A short account of an ideal vision for community that came tumbling down.
Questioning the motivations and effectiveness of fair trade coffee.
Reflecting on the relationships that make local shopping the best bargain.
A journey from bedside reading to the grocery store.
A North American looks to look beyond the leaves.
A reflection on the concerns of a man and a woman of the Ratwa Bhil tribe in central India.
Living life at the pace of a wood burning stove.
A mad farmer reflects on bringing life back to Maple Tree Meadows through bartering, laboring and other acts of faith.
The story of a family’s journey toward more conscious consumption.
An excerpt from Eat With Joy: Redeeming God’s Gift of Food.
Exploring the memories buried beneath the surface of the family farm.