catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Vol 5, Num 13 :: 2006.06.30 — 2006.07.14


A welcome and an invitation

Are you tired of hearing me talk about the Practicing Resurrection conference yet?  I can't help it!  I can't believe that, with the help of the folks at Russet House Farm, we're on the verge of conducting our very first conference.  The process of successfully gathering sponsorships and registrations is very exciting, so I can only imagine what the event itself will be like.

This issue of catapult is organized around the conference workshop content, with articles from three of our presenters and links to many other related articles and resources.  If you look on the issue homepage under "In Case You Missed It the First Time," you'll find links to articles by Practicing Resurrection presenters who've previously published with catapult.  Under "Weaving the Web" is an eclectic collection of resources connected in some way to our presenters.  Though I found ways to link electronically to the work of most of our presenters, I don't want to leave out those who don't have any web presence (yet).  Diane Engelstad is a part-time resident at Russet House Farm who will be conducting workshop on techniques and reasons for canning and Lee Fletcher of Fig Industrial Design will be exploring the language of object design and how understanding that language can influence the objects with which we surround ourselves.  Each of our presenters is involved in the day to day work of living into their deepest values and we look forward to putting names with faces and hearing more of their stories when we converge in August.

If you haven't done so already, consider making the trip to Cameron to participate in this inaugural community gathering.  Registration is limited, but spaces are still available on the farm.  However, whether you'll be joining us this summer at Practicing Resurrection from a camp site on Russet House Farm or from and office chair in front of your computer, we hope you'll enjoy walking with us through the next phase of the *culture is not optional experience.

To find out more about Practicing Resurrection 2006, visit the web site, where online registration is available.  If you cannot attend, but would be interested in sponsoring the conference as an individual or institution at a level of $100-$1,000, please contact Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma.

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