catapult magazine

catapult magazine


World Cup


Jun 16 2006
08:02 am

I’m living in Hamburg, Germany right now. Leaving in two weeks, but have been about for the beginning craziness of the Cup. Up here in my small town they’ve set up a huge screen in the marketplace where everyone gathers (and drinks of course) for the games. Afterwards, you can tell who’s won by the amount of screaming, honking and such on the streets.

I managed to watch our guys loose pitifully to the Czech Republic and was terribly disppointed by their poor showing, despite the fancy footwork shown by Beasly.

Anyhow, not really a soccer fan, but you get into it a bit if you’re surrounded by it. my mom was here for the past two weeks for a visit and she actually watched her first pro games while here, and enjoyed it!