catapult magazine

catapult magazine


What Are You Giving Up For Lent?


Greg Slidel
Jun 19 2006
12:17 pm

that’s an interesting angle on the discipline, Greg. I agree that many observe Lent out of obligation to religion, rather than out of an overflow of the heart. such observance doesn’t nearly approach the life-changing denial that Christ experienced in the desert that the practice is modeling itself after.

I’m interested in this distinction you make between "biblical" practices and non-biblical practices. what makes a practice biblical? what defines a "practice" for that matter? why is a biblical practice more desirable than a practice that was cultivated after the canon of Scripture was written?

"Biblical practices" are things the Bible specifically tells us to do, such as presenting our bodies to God as living sacrifices, which is our reasonable service. If we do this, then we will refrain from doing things such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy, not exercising….all of which is medically proven to be harmful to our body.

These are some of the things I’ve seen cathlics give up for lent…things that Christians should not be doing in the first place.

I know numerous cathlics and they practice things that their church tells them to that the Bible does not tell believers to do. Like, praying to Mary instead of directly to the Father in Jesus name…which is what Jesus instructed us to do.

Jesus also said that the traditions of men cause the Word of God to be of no effect, becausde these folks put their traditions above what God says. Jesus had a serious problem with people like this.

Basically, these religious traditions such as lent are things that God has nothing to do with and should never be placed above God’s Word as though He told us to follow these traditions.