catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Trinity and Society


May 14 2003
02:44 am

Dear Jason,

I’m sorry to take so long to respond. It is not so much that we live in two separate realms, as that we respond in our total humanity (created in the image of God) to the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit – through whom we are adopted (see Romans 8) as children of God, and so participate in the divine conversation.

In my work in progress, called “Trinatatarian Faith in a Changing World” (filed on my site ) I first set out a unified Trinitarian basis for Christian faith and life:

The Father calls us and so gives us our unique individuality
The Son makes relationships possible as the One in whom all things hold together.
The Spirit empowers us, and makes the new possible.

This runs through every aspect of life, and in Part 3 of Trinitarian Faith I explore its implications for cosmology (the nature of the universe), anthropology (the nature of humanity) and sociology (the nature of society and history).

Yours in Christ,
