catapult magazine

catapult magazine


The embarrassment of wealth


Apr 10 2002
02:46 pm

“Where your treasures are, there so will be your heart.” Is the accumulation of wealth wrong? How could we say that our hearts long and groan for the kingdom of God if we continue to surround ourselves with more and more?
Christ showed over and over again how wealth was directly related to one’s salvation: the rich young ruler (he didn’t say, believe), the parable of Lazerus and the rich man (here the rich man is a Jew, thus was promised his salvation as a birth right, yet he was sent to hell. Why, not because of wealth, but because he removed himself from the pain of the man he passed). And the old testament ties wealth continuously with the down fall of Israel.
Maybe this question is a hard one to answer because we live in America. What I mean by this is that we have no clue what poverty is, places where we would not dream to fly over. A poverty that is unimaginable to us.
The idea of wealth and oppression has come up, and there are ties. But here in America we are so far removed from those ties that we don’t even know they exist.