catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Please Help: My Faith Isn't Working Anymore


Jan 12 2007
01:35 pm

I’m so thankful for these posts and encouragement that I cannot express it deeply enough.

Can you help me with one more thing? [I will read the book dassler]

Recently I’ve been attending an ELCA church. In the past I would not have considered a denomination like this because it’s teachings were to "liberal" and I did not consider them biblical enough. The deal is though is that they allow me to struggle with God, and deal with the desperation going on in my soul. My old church didn’t do that. Even though they were considered more biblical it was discouraged to struggle with God.

I guess I’m just looking for encouragement in knowing that my attraction to what are considered more "liberal" churches is okay and that my journey as a true Christian can be sustained there.