catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Please Help: My Faith Isn't Working Anymore


Dec 29 2006
10:48 am

Hi Kirstin, and thank you so much for responding. I’ve never heard anyone say something like "faith without doubt is fragile." Wow. I’ve thought it myself, but never been told it.

I read so please hit me with book suggestions. Someone told me to read [i:1aa8c210df]Blue Like Jazz[/i:1aa8c210df], but I know nothing about Don Miller.

I come from a Plymouth brethren (Darby) background. An issue of the church I attended was whether a piano would be used in worship. One leading elder got up and told the congregation that he would rather die than have a piano in worship. I?ve been to and graduated from a prominent reformed seminary. Now, I find myself flirting with churches that I once considered ?liberal.?

A main struggle I have is fitting in with mainstream evangelicalism. I tend to think annihilation is probable for unbelievers. Most of all, I see myself fitting into the culture whereas the church seems to want to scrap culture and start something totally different. This leads to depression, because I?m thinking that my ?love of culture? is just an excuse to hang on to sin.

Another problem I have is that I doubt the whole thing sometimes. Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit seem so quiet and aloof at times. It makes me just want to give up. I’ve never been able to talk with anyone about this in mainstream evangelicalism—because they don’t seem to allow questions. Then I wonder how God’s people could be so closed off.