catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Oh them democrats


Jul 08 2004
09:52 pm

Hey, i just found this thread in the haystack.

Mrsanniep, I’m a democrat too! I guess I don’t think I’m smart enough to figure out which one will be easiest to beat, for me it’s just a matter of not being pigeon-holed (sp?). Alot of times liberals I’m around will end a conversation by saying, “oh, you’re a republican from Arizona” and dismiss whatever I have to say. So, now I can say, I’m actually a democrat, but I think that George Bush has done a remarkable job in his first four years and deserves my support as president and commander-in-chief.

Even though I’m not so great at the primaries, I did have the sense to sign a petition to add Ralph Nader’s name to the ballot in AZ.

Dan, seriously, I would like to see old quotes (granted you can edit your own quotes, but I know you’re above that :-). I don’t remember anyone predicting a quick route and not finding the weapons and Al-Queda and other terror groups ballyhaying our troops and the Iraqi public.