catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Made in God's Image


Apr 09 2002
08:06 pm

Hi, i’m new to this, I found this to be interesting. I’m just going to get to the point, but hello first.
I first must ask, do you all think that Man is the only thing (other than God) that loves? Do animals love? (or are they a system of chemical reactions only acting out of chemical changes in their composition?) If they can love, then maybe love is not the answer to how we are made “in the image”, because I think that we are looking for how humans, differ from all other created things thus recieving the title “created in His image” [spoken in a deep voice] (this all depends upon your own idea of love: sadness, joy, pain, pleassure; do animals possess feelings) for me love is the way two or more thing interaction.

The idea of free will also brings up some hard questions, meaning, does God possess free will, thus can God choose to be different than what He is? I find that the answer would have to be no, in order for Him to be God, He must not be able to have the same concept of free will that we possess. Free will would truly mean, to turn away from Himself; if He were to have it, and that would be impossible (even for God)! The infinite can not turn away from infinity.
Maybe the answer is held within spirituality, but I guess we don’t truly know if dogs aren’t lazy but are really into meditation?