catapult magazine

catapult magazine


litany on the brink of war


Mar 20 2003
12:53 pm

we did this litany wednesday night in church as we waited for the inevitable announcement that war would be declared. i thought it was well-written and appropriate, so i’m passing it on.

Litany on the Brink of War

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of peace boldly that all might hear.

Govern the hearts of the leaders of all nations of the world, those elected, those self-appointed, and those who led military coups; the official leaders and those who work behind the scenes. Give them discerning hearts that they may know the difference between serving power and serving people, between doing what is right and what is popular. Lead them into the ways of justice and peace.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Forgive us when we ignore human rights abuses because we are afraid to fight. Forgive us when we initiate wars that need never have been fought. Forgive us when we give power and military might to the wrong people. Teach us, that we may never err in these ways again.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Bless all bishops, priests, deacons and ministers, imams of Islam, and all spiritual leaders, in whatever name and through whatever faith traditions they seek and serve you. Fill them with so much love that they will proclaim your love and truth throughout the world.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Keep our enemies always in your heart. Let it be truly well for them, really and completely well, as you desire it to be for all people.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Protect us from rumors, strife and hatred. Protect us from demonizing our enemies, and them from believing in all falsehoods about us. Forgive us when we are misled.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Shelter all who serve in the military, those who serve in our armed forces, and those who serve in our enemies?: those who serve willingly and those who serve under duress. Protect their hearts and minds and bodies, and bring them safely back home to those who love them.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.

Look with compassion on the innocent, the poor, the hungry, the ill, the young, the old, the helpless. Keep them from all harm, comfort them when discouraged, and raise up in them a spirit of joy in life.

Let not a hair of any person?s head be hurt, nor any inch of soil or drop of water in the seas.

Lord God, into these times of uncertainty and fear, speak your Word of Peace boldly, that all might hear.