catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Israel and Palestine


Mar 27 2002
07:32 am

This conversation is going to take radically different turn if we start looking for fulfillment of prophecy. Many of us will probably have very divergent views on that.

But to address some of the questions that are being raised, I think the land itself has a complext history. Nations lived there, then it was promised to Abram’s descendants, more nations lived there, Israelites invaded and conquered, then they lost the land, but some remained, so when a remnant returned there were Jews and Gentiles there, then it was mostly Gentile, then in the late 1800’s Jews started coming back, then there was a war, then about 4 nations made conflicting promises, then the nation of Israel defeated the surrounding Arab nations (which, politically, would give them the right to the land), but many people stayed in the land that was their home (and Syria never really admitted defeat). So now we have a lot of different agendas and cultures and they’re colliding in a very small space.

I think both sides are “right” in the sense that their claim to live in Israel/Palestine is valid. And I think there are a lot of people meeting in the middle of the spectrum and compromising. But there will always be extremists on both the Left and Right who will undermine solid efforts for peace.

I don’t think there will be real, lasting peace in the Middle East in our lifetimes; and I don’t think we have the right to exercise too much influence there until we take the time to educate ourselves and others about the situation.
(Sorry for the lengthy post – this is a Big Deal for me.)