catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Feb 03 2004
01:56 pm

““I’m glad everybody is sorry. I’m sorry, too; it was a sorry incident. But if the standard were that you could do whatever you wanted to and if you apologized the next day that ends all further inquiry, we’d have a really poor enforcement program.””

let’s play a guessing game: who said the above quote and in what context was it said?

now let’s play a different game: who else could have said this and in what context could they have said it?

interesting, that’s all i’m saying.


Feb 03 2004
02:23 pm


Justin Timberlake?


Feb 03 2004
05:34 pm

. Some Head Honcho at the FCC related to the Janet Jackson Incident.

Related: ( Could it be that J and J were just trying to top Madonna and Britteny Spears French Kiss) What’s Next?


Feb 04 2004
04:45 am

My guess is Colin Powell. About Janet Jackson.

Or he’s talking about the war in Iraq and he’s sorry that there were no WMD.

No, it’s Janet Jackson.


Feb 18 2004
01:38 pm

it’s amusing that i posted this a couple weeks ago and then pulled a mel gibson quote out of context today (../discussion/index.cfm?RequestTimeout=500&frmid=4&tpcid=828).

anyway, i thought i’d answer the questions . . . since i’m sure you’re all dying to know. the quote was michael powell, chairman of the FCC, speaking about the janet jackson/justin timberlake super bowl fiasco.

how many times, though, do people say or do really stupid things and then expect everyone to forget about it when they apologize the next day (or week, month, year)? is this some sort of american phenomenon? why do we think this is okay?


Feb 19 2004
08:40 pm

It’s interesting that you should ask if this apologize and it will all go away mentality is an american phenomenon. Just the other day NPR offered the view from across the Atlantic. Europeans are confused: “What’s all the fuss about? It’s just a boob. We see them all the time on TV.”

It’s seems that the need to apologize in the first place is the American phenomenon here.