catapult magazine

catapult magazine


am i catholic?


Mar 05 2002
12:42 pm

…am i protestant? i recently was hired for and joined a cathedral choir, singing in their early morning mass on sunday mornings. the music in the mass is excellent (in my humble opinion), and is something to which i can easily relate. the thing which puzzles me is the practices/rituals the members participate in during the mass. though the practices/rituals are mostly not foreign to me, just “unpracticed”… how would or should a protestant, non-member, non-Catholic Christian, in a Catholic setting deal with the un-sung mass practices (i.e., bowing, genuflecting, taking communion, crossing before prayer and before the gospel, etc.)?

most commonly, if one is not a member of a church, communion isn’t taken or allowed. but, this is more than just communion…

most members of the choir know i am not catholic, but should i continue to feel awkward in my protestant shoes, or just “fake it” for an hour each week?