catapult magazine

catapult magazine


personhood and new science


Nov 07 2002
01:45 pm

i would tend to be of the same mind as you relative to your response…but there seems to be a couple of questions that arise in my mind.

1. I don’t really think that there is a way we can “hand-cuff God’s creative power.” If anything, using science illigetimately (if that is a proper definition of what you think cloning is), displays this because man can only mimic what God does perfectly.

2. Does individuality express beauty? If this is true, then all of the twins in our world are second rate. Of course we know that twins are, in fact, not second rate. So how do you account for cloning as being “not beautiful” on account of sameness?

btw, i hear wisconsin is nice this time of year…
:) [also i apologize for my spelling erorrs. I hardly have the time to post here, let alone check for errors…]