catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Necessary Reading


Mar 19 2005
08:58 am

C.S. Lewis’ works and Oswald Chambers’ [i:f2196bbd4f]My Utmost for His Highest[/i:f2196bbd4f] are up there…as are A.W Tozer’s [i:f2196bbd4f]The Pursuit of God[/i:f2196bbd4f] and anything by Philip Yancey, including [i:f2196bbd4f]Reaching for the Invisible God[/i:f2196bbd4f] and [i:f2196bbd4f]The Jesus I Never Knew[/i:f2196bbd4f]. Yancey not only is one of those “good” writers who puts words to the feelings we seem unable to express; he also has the ability to draw his readers in, first arousing interest in his topic, and then satisfying the curiosity he has created.