catapult magazine

catapult magazine


I like U2 about as much


Apr 22 2005
12:14 am

Alright, it looks like this threads been dead for a couple of weeks, but i just got a load of the dump-splash that’s been going on here and thought i’d better straighten this whole thing out.

norbert’s right. U2 is highly over-rated.

that’s all he was saying. he didn’t even say that he didn’t enjoy listening to them. he was simply pointing out that when analyzed apart from it’s socio-political nuances the music that these fellas make isn’t amazing. it just isn’t.

Q:is it heartfelt?
A:yes. it is obvious from the first notes of “joshua tree” that this band wears their blood-soaked hearts on their sleeves. however if you believe that this is grounds for musical greatness then there’s a one-armed vietnam vet who plays the kazoo in downtown bellingham i think you should really check out because, man, he’s really givin’ it his all.

Q:is it influential?
A:without a doubt. i believe eddie made some good points concerning this topic. they are very musically simple and heartfelt and therefore extremely accessible to “joe average top 40 listener”. for more examples of this see your local country music station. anything listened to on that wide of a scale is bound to influence. but please pardon me for not being too impressed with their musical offspring i.e. coldplay.

Q:do they deserve 1/2 of the accolades they recieve from the general musical community?
A:absolutely not. although the content of their songs appear to contain depth the sonic quality is more often than not sub-par when compared to the buffet of musical nutrition that is readily available elsewhere, but perhaps a little harder to digest.

i would disagree with norbert’s comparison of U2 to a frozen pizza. i think they’re more akin to a TV dinner. just as convenient as a frozen pizza, but seemingly more nutricious. however upon inspection of the health indications you realize that you would be better off eating the box.