catapult magazine

catapult magazine
A Field in Winter

vol. 7, num. 3 :: 2008.02.08 — 2008.02.22

In many parts of the world, the land is quiet at this time of year, but not inert.  The soil is preparing for another year of planting and farmers are making plans for another season of crops…a good time to sit back and think about where our food comes from.



A progressive feast

On a food journey and the resources that served as maps along the way.


Squash stories

A motley gathering of autumn vegetables decks the halls with delectable values.


The past is the future

Sustainable agriculture’s solutions for biodiversity loss and rural poverty.

Back in time

A living history experience lends a new perspective on food.

The tasty tomato

Pondering a summer fruit in the middle of winter.

Eating violence

Exploring the troubling origins of our identities as creatures who are what we eat.


The chicken or the egg

A review of Wegmans Cruelty, a short film on egg production.

Inside seasons

A review of Tamara Jenkins’ film The Savages.

Grant’s recommendations 2.8.08

Re-visiting signature films with Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The Big Lebowski.


In case you missed it the first time

Buying organic: What difference does it make?

The daughter of an organic farmer explore the nature and benefits of organic products, as well as the sacrifice involved in producing and purchasing those products.

Tasting the good life

As small farms around the world are succumbing to corporate agriculture, a southwest Michigan couple is embarking on the road of the small-scale farmer for the first time. An interview and photos tell their story and explain more about Community Supported Agriculture.

Black gold

The discipline of composting makes a garden grow.

Weaving the web

Echo: Networking Global Hunger Solutions

An interdenominational organization that supports development workers with research on growing food in difficult conditions.


Rethinking the meat-guzzler

Mark Bittman on the disproportionate resource needs of meat production.


Our Food from God

Christopher Killheffer writes on the implications of faith for factory farming.


Food Less Traveled

A new creative ‘localvore’ solution puts down roots in Portland, Oregon.


daily asterisk

Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.

Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home

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