A paper on the spiritual tools of ethno-medicine--do they still have application today?
A sermon on the search to discover genuine spirit medicine.
A muscle therapist learns the power of physical touch?or not touching?in the struggle between life and death.
On the need to cultivate the fantasy-lives of believers in Spirit-filled churches.
A conversation with Jon Trott from Jesus People USA.
An exploration of the mysterious process of working with words.
On the process of making a rock and roll album.
A pastor's letter to two beloved members of his congregation who are engaged and living together.
Who's got the inside scoop on sex? Apparently no one.
On the importance of keeping commitments to others and to self.
What role do discernment skills play in our efforts to successfully engage culture?
An artist learns to connect his craft with Sunday mornings.
A local celebration provides an opportunity to reflect on love of place.
What to do when sugary musak just doesn?t cut it.
A coffeehouse in Sheboygan, Wisconsin serves locals with more than just delicious treats.
On the difference between being afraid and having fear.
An inadequate attempt to capture in words the working of the Spirit in music.
A shorter catechism addressing seven big questions about music in God?s world.
Our attempts at self-preservation deny a larger reality.
Reflections on consciousness.
An interview with Spirit-filled fashionista Kate Kamphausen.
What happens when the Bible is elevated to the supreme way of knowing?
Discerning the spirit of the age by identifying the disciplines for this era.
A story of discovering the place of refreshment.
An overview of community principles practiced at The Hermitage Community.
Claiming what distinguishes us from angels may involve reclaiming the "holy kiss."
How acts of creativity become holy, become prayer.
A reflection on the purposefulness of reviews in catapult.
A review of Arcade Fire's newest release.
On finding the energy to change the world through environmental practices.