catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Items tagged safety

  • Global trade and fair trade

    What makes global trade a moral issue and what can we do to ensure the welfare of workers worldwide? It's not as hard as you might think.

  • Our name Joe

    How can the Church's response heal those coming out of crisis situations?

  • Sinking down

    On gaining a "sense of place" through knowledge of nightmares.

  • Safe at home

    A mother considers the relationship between safety and community in her household.

  • Seeing our delusions die

    On dismantling the securing illusions of ourselves and others.

  • (In)Security and the Fall

    Eve Ensler’s Insecure at Last prompts theological reflection on the lie of security.

  • Security for sale

    On quieting one’s own fears and keeping a house safe for two kids.

  • Leaning, leaning

    P.T. Anderson’s There Will Be Blood and security in the American Dream.

  • Assessing risk with eyes wide open

    A review of Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk by Ben Carson, M.D., with Gregg Lewis.

  • Piles of ideas

    Experiences and conversations converge on questions of keeping.

  • Feels like home

    How art became a way to feel at home in many different homes.

  • A prayer, a dream, a sacred space

    On spaces of encounter at the University of Toronto.

  • Sanctuary

    Life after college, sleeping in the church basement.

  • A false sense of security

    Considering the news, from a childhood in the turbulent 60s to adulthood as an African missionary.