As an animated film, Shrek defies the norms set by sweet and predictable Disney films.
What happens when a science project doesn?t go exactly as planned?
A discerning look at the controversial series reveals common misconceptions about fantasy.
On the need to cultivate the fantasy-lives of believers in Spirit-filled churches.
Matthew Dickerson's Following Gandalf follows the post-movie trend in analyzing Tolkein's works.
Why Mark Moscowitz's Stone Reader is a must-see rental for artists and lovers of art.
Is the common idea that the writer "plays God" a valid comparison?
Will a place to lay my head ever materialize?
A conversation between husband and wife about a curious European phenomenon.
How do we process what comes from the generation before to benefit the next generation?
A letter for an as-yet unformed person, a letter imagined, and a letter that may never be sent.
Memories and dreams inform criteria for what makes a restaurant good.
On the energy that results from tension within the self and within communities.
A reflection on the energizing power, for better or worse, of imagination.
On finding the energy to change the world through environmental practices.
Deconstructing garden admiration reveals a longing for self expression.
Thoughts from a writing teacher and father-to-be.
Reflection on a nighttime ritual that fills various kinds of needs.
An exploration of the definition of anarchism and what Kingdom truth it can speak into contemporary culture.
A review of Garth Jennings’ film Son of Rambow.
Contribute your stories comparing your childhood ideals with the reality of growing up.
A letter to future offspring in the wake of a U.S. election.
On the Divine's experience of love from within a body.
The blessings and curses of growing beyond imaginary friends.
How impatience can affect the stories we tell and the ways in which we remember.
An imaginative world tour through several historical sites with a surprise ending.
An evaluation of the messages that limit our household vision.
Shopping to dismantle the empire, one article of clothing at a time.
Chronicling an English major's complicated relationship with books.
The nature poetry of Liberty Hyde Bailey and the igniting of an urban imagination.