On the incarnate words that call our worlds into being.
Remembering the character of a nurturer.
Reflecting on a new phase of life as a basketball referee.
Dressing up as role-playing.
Detailing a clothing experiment that yielded a host of lessons ... and more questions.
On leaving home to find home.
Contemplating the adventures of a cousin found at sea.
Looking back at small town family origins in Ohio.
On a birth state that engenders loyalty beyond reason.
Looking back at the life of a friend who was inspiring and unique, inside and out.
How a forced transition became a welcome change.
Running toward the truth that resonates deep within.
Seeking an artistic identity in relationship to Hollywood.
Ten grammar lessons for life from a middle school grammar teacher.
Learning to trust the decisions we make in third grade.
Looking back on a formative childhood decision.
Reconsidering a family trait for persistence.
Reflecting on what we share and what we keep for ourselves.
The joys and challenges of sharing space and limited privacy.
Food and home, from the southern U.S. to southeast Asia.
High school creative writing students respond to the catapult prompt.
Debunking the creative “haves” and “have-nots” from an early age.
The journey toward words as a chosen medium.
Considering what it means to feel at home as a child of traveling parents.
The quest to belong as a mother of special needs children.
Encountering barriers on a much-anticipated trip to China.
Considering the differences between a mother’s and a father’s legacy of belonging.
Considering the complicated relationship between identity and belonging.
A case for fewer measurable goals, and a lot more screwing around.
Observations from a life as a teacher, student and parent involved with many schools.