Questions from the present on a path that has run through churches of all sizes.
Reflecting on work in Haiti after the earthquake.
An interview with Nicole Carlin about her family's work in Haiti.
Thoughts on the question of (not) registering for gifts.
On planning the ceremony after 50, with kids, in the midst of the stuff of life.
On how war imposes its memory long after the ceasefire.
Snapshots from a second marriage ceremony, including what's outside the frame.
The necessity of improvising on the path toward a second wedding.
Is this really what Jesus had in mind?
How living in intentional community can lead to self-awareness.
A review of Harriet Brown's memoir Brave Girl Eating: The Story of a Family's Struggle with Anorexia.
Looking back on the vulnerability and cruelty of grade school.
A review of the novel The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow by Joyce Magnin.
A meditation on the life and death of a friend who called upon others to care.
Life, confession and memory in the endless moment of illness.
On the hope of carving out a path that leads home.
An uneasy legacy tied together with the thread of a shared name.
On shaping a life that will honor the memory and the suffering of those who have gone before.
A list of favorite foods, in no particular order.
A family learns to trust the Spirit and stay inside -- until it's time.
How a hotel became the perfect retreat from a literal and figurative snowstorm.
A mother reflects on her family's longing for a better home.
On surviving life's seasons of in-between, uncertainty and stagnancy.
A daughter bears the marks of her parents, human and divine.
Of sanity and hospitality in a home that's dirty enough to be happy.
How a young parent learned by example to trust providence.
Lessons from accepting the gift of a late pregnancy.
Getting involved with adoption and foster care.
Expressing gratitude for parents and teachers who re-imagined "success."
On accepting the challenge of parenting post-9/11 kids.