The DATA organization is calling for a world community effort to help solve the devastating problems of African countries.
An exploration of expert scientific opinions on if and when the world?s oil supply will be exhausted.
An exploration of expert scientific opinions on if and when the world?s oil supply will be exhausted.
An exploration of expert scientific opinions on if and when the world?s oil supply will be exhausted.
From the vulgar to the profane--is there such a thing as redemptive use of "four-letter words?"
A solitary journey into the woods leads to transformation.
A story of discovering the place of refreshment.
How can the Church's response heal those coming out of crisis situations?
An exploration of the religious aspects of environmental crises and solutions.
A personal story and an overview of principles for life balance.
The mother of an infant girl struggles to stay in the present through crisis.
A short manifesto that's easy to memorize, but not always easy to live.
Reflections from a mom who longs to get off the merry-go-round.
Reflecting on work in Haiti after the earthquake.
A song to carry through times of crisis.
Questioning the church’s obsession with quantifiable data.
A post-crisis reflection on getting things in order.
Diagnosing the symptoms of a society sick with profitic imagination.
Lessons from a lifetime lived in connection with friends and family.
Notes from a three-hour vigil in a downtown Columbus church on September 11, 2001.
What happens when we routinely swallow negative emotions?
On the things we carry in late adolescence.