A challenge to enjoy creation and accept what we cannot understand.
Since the Fall, God uses our weaknesses to build community and helps us gain a sense of Eden's bliss.
Should Halloween be a time for sectarian arguments about evil or local unity around end of the harvest?
An inherited recipe compliments a darkening evening.
An autumn evening prompts reflection on numbering our days.
A reflection on the passing away of an autumn tradition.
Short reviews of The Lives of Others, Laura Veirs’ Year of Meteors and The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.
How a couple of abandoned pumpkins helped change my mind.
A tribute to the fall of a baseball team and a season.
In the shadow of winter, a reflection on where we belong.
A report from *culture is not optional in a season of reflection.
Pining for fall in the American South.
A short meditation on the brilliance of death.
Embracing the season’s reminder of mortality.
A reflection in words, photos and video about the possibilities of an autumn staple.
On slowing down enough to see what there is to celebrate.