catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Oh them democrats


Jan 26 2004
03:02 am

Does any one of the democratic candidates stand a chance of unseating President Bush? Please feel free to expound.


Jan 29 2004
10:40 am

getting back to the politics and the history . . . .

adam, earlier you raised a question about whether you should feel frightened or anxious about what is going on in the world, particularly in light of the activities of dubya and co. from a historical perspective i would say that our political problems and instability are not unique to us. can you imagine what it must have been like to live through the cuban missile crisis? the nuclear arms proliferation of the cold war?

that being said, which does sound rather cold and distant, i understand and share your anxiety, because it’s increbibly difficult to have perspective when your living it. perhaps, back peddling a bit on what i just said, maybe we do have great cause for anxiety than previous generations because good and bad, because our world seems to be coming apart at the seams.

i like what augustine says on this (see city of God, a bit of a read but it does give perspective on living a world that seems and was unstable), for that matter paul and x. gov’ts come and go, we should not worry, be concerned, but don’t worry, pray for goodness and grace in our world, and attempt to live a life of service to God.

anyone else have thoughts on this?


Jul 07 2004
08:55 am

Runningmates are chosen for a number of reasons – to get swing voters, to improve regional appeal (for example, Dems are typically creamed in the South unless there’s a Southerner on the ticket) or to achieve political balance (which is basically the same thing as appealing to swing voters). There are other reasons, but those are some that immediately come to mind.

Oh, and it’s definitely NOT abnormal to pick a runningmate from the slate of unnominated candidates, especially if they are strong candidates to fulfill some of the above criteria. Say Kerry is nominated. Being from Massachusetts, he’d be well-served to consider Edwards, who is from the South.

(doing my “right in a blue moon” dance)


Jul 07 2004
10:33 am

you go girl! now hang on a second while I go dig up all my correct predictions about the Iraq invasion and occupation :)


Jul 08 2004
09:52 pm

Hey, i just found this thread in the haystack.

Mrsanniep, I’m a democrat too! I guess I don’t think I’m smart enough to figure out which one will be easiest to beat, for me it’s just a matter of not being pigeon-holed (sp?). Alot of times liberals I’m around will end a conversation by saying, “oh, you’re a republican from Arizona” and dismiss whatever I have to say. So, now I can say, I’m actually a democrat, but I think that George Bush has done a remarkable job in his first four years and deserves my support as president and commander-in-chief.

Even though I’m not so great at the primaries, I did have the sense to sign a petition to add Ralph Nader’s name to the ballot in AZ.

Dan, seriously, I would like to see old quotes (granted you can edit your own quotes, but I know you’re above that :-). I don’t remember anyone predicting a quick route and not finding the weapons and Al-Queda and other terror groups ballyhaying our troops and the Iraqi public.


Jul 08 2004
10:06 pm

Um, Dave, you mean “democrat” with a little “d”, right? Otherwise, have you not been paying attention? I’m like the only Republican-leaning person in this place. It’s very lonely.

But then again, it’s always lonely at the top … so the saying goes.



Jul 08 2004
11:41 pm

How ‘bout this one, dave? Not quite as impressive as mrsanniep’s prediction, but she didn’t put anything on the line when she made hers :)

If Bush’s axis of evil doctrine leads to peace I’ll walk naked from Montreal to the next ‘camping is not optional’ event. And back.
And I’ll eat my shorts.

Seriously, I think some of my best predictions/warnings are in the “I don’t think war is noble” thread under current events. Check it out if you want. All of it was written before the invasion.

But this thread is about republicans in democrats’ clothing, so continue with that.


Jul 09 2004
08:17 am

I did have the sense to sign a petition to add Ralph Nader’s name to the ballot in AZ.

was this because you thought having an additional candidate would be good for the democratic process or are you simply treating the election of perhaps the most powerful human being on the planet as a game (as mrsanniep has suggested above)?

if the former: excellent! two parties don’t even come close to accurately representing the views held by most americans.

if the latter: well …

i’d like to posit that, due to the events of the last four years, the election process is not a game. when we elect someone who has the power to enter into wars of choice, sending off men and women to kill and be killed, we’re dealing with more than just a fun contest. when we elect someone who is charged with the security of millions (and when i say security, i don’t simply mean national security ala george bush; i’m also including the welfare of citizens within our country ala FDR), we’re dealing with more than just a game.


Jul 09 2004
08:49 am

Gee, thanks for continuing to paint me as the scum of *cino. I’m so happy I have “real time” friends!

Helping out one’s favorite candidate by hoping that there’s a third candidate to take voters away from his opposition is no more “a game” than plugging for a friend’s band on this website and urging people to vote early and vote often in a music festival contest.


Jul 09 2004
09:12 am

That sounds a lot harsher than I mean it to be. I am speaking my true feelings, partially in jest, but they aren’t fighting words.


Jul 09 2004
09:26 am

i’m not trying to paint you as the “scum of *cino.” if that’s the way it came off, i truly apologize.

i am, however, trying to point out that [i:748f75b18b]choosing the most powerful leader in the world has more severe and long-lasting consequences than choosing the winner of a music contest.[/i:748f75b18b]