catapult magazine

catapult magazine


what I did on my summer vacation


Aug 07 2003
06:39 pm

Has anyone done anything fun or interesting this summer? Like visit a new place, visit an old place, learn something, do something, read something…?


Aug 25 2003
05:50 pm

summer seems to have gone so fast. what fun! i cleaned hearing aids part of the time. i also interned with victim witness services at the local courthouse, where i learned hands on about issues Christians rarely discuss: domestic violence. it is hard to see friends i went to school with victims of their husbands, boyfriends, etc. perhaps it is worse to see men i went to school with as the defendants in these cases. i also traveled to north dakota for a family reunion and successfully dodged golfing for one more summer (a right of passage in my family).


Aug 27 2003
10:38 am

We moved to a new house right before summer started and I’ve been the Queen of Latex ever since (latex paint that is).

Took a week’s vacation with my parents and brother at a cottage on a lake.

My husband and I have also seen two plays – Hamlet and Two Gentlemen of Verona, with three more in September – The Cherry Orchard, The Tempest and Pygmalion.

I have also started down the road of toilet training with my toddler, Gus. Ah. If I’m not painting, I’m sitting in the bathroom doling out Sesame Street stickers and talking about big boys and poop.

Oh, and I’m learning how to sew. I’m currently taking a break from sewing a pair of flannel pajama pants for my luuuuuuucky husband. They’ve got cowboys, horses and covered wagons on them. Very 1950s. He better like them.


Aug 27 2003
03:13 pm

This summer I swam in the Atlantic, the Pacific, the St. Lawrence River, and any lake I could find. Yes, I managed to emerge from the St. Lawrence without any strange rashes, cancers, or STDs. I think.

Tell me about what interesting bodies of water you swam in this year. I want to know so that I can be jealous. I didn’t make it up to the Arctic Ocean this summer. Anybody been there? I want to go.