catapult magazine

catapult magazine


what college(s) did you attend?


Apr 28 2003
05:01 am

as i’m working on the next issue for *cino, i’d like to take a brief, informal survey of our members. so if you could, please answer one simple question if you’re in college or post-college:

what college(s) did you attend?



Apr 30 2003
04:02 pm

VALPARAISO? do you know michael essany? i went and saw a live taping of the jay leno show once and he was on there as a guest and i thought he was pretty entertaining in a clean-cut dweeby sort of way and now he has his own show on E! and stuff….but i digress.

dordt: 3 years
(b.a. theatre arts. creation→ fall→redemption)

butte community college, oroville, ca: 2 years

palomar community college, san marcos, ca: i took 1 class on basic radio history and production just so they’d let me be on their radio station so i could put together an audition tape and make fun of people like alan jackson and mary j. blige and have cool bands on and ROCK ROCK ROCK!!


Apr 30 2003
07:26 pm

Four years at Grace College & Seminary; B.S. in Communications w/ minors in Intercultural Ministry and Science.


May 01 2003
06:59 am

Calvin College—-The one and only B.A. history

However—-what about those who never DID attend college and who are here? Heck, my Dad never went to college—but he was far brighter than I am!

Any of the hardworking people out there who didn’t goof off for four years?!?!?! :)


May 01 2003
07:43 am

i only went to dordt for two years before i dropped out. and i say that proudly (“hi, i’m rob and i’m a college dropout”) because i don’t know how long i’ll be able to say it.

i do hope to finish my degree some day, though. at the moment, goshen college in goshen, indiana is a front-runner.


May 01 2003
08:58 am

I would’ve dropped out of Dordt, too.



May 01 2003
10:07 am

Ha, ha.
lopez—Never met Essany. I get the idea that a lot of people in the undergrad resent him because he’s not one of the “cool kids” and he’s semi-famous. A couple of my friends drank beer on his show, once, though. Quite a novelty for law students…


May 01 2003
01:52 pm

Dordt College 4years B.A Environmental Studies, Political Science


May 01 2003
05:08 pm

4 years @ Dordt College.
Major in Studio Art, Minor in Theatre
Emphasis in making coffee.


May 02 2003
02:50 am

Calvin College (whoo-hoo! Take that, Dordt people!) for a BA in English

Columbia College for an MFA in writing.

and, uh, um…..

….aw heck. Okay. I am just a thesis away from having an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from, uh, dordt.


Yay for all colleges and learning experiences of any stripe!


May 02 2003
07:53 am


just to make it clear that we’re not dissin’ anyone’s fathers, mothers or grandparents, this is for the “higher ed” topic coming up in the next *cino issue, not to show how many smarty-pants college-educated people we have on the site, though we do have many of those.